Wednesday, July 27, 2011

sold out!

wow, so the event is sold out.  wild.  i wasn't expecting it, but it makes me glad that i had the money to buy tickets early on.  those who are close to me know that i am a perpetual over-planner.  i am a project manager by trade and after the debacle of the first day of ticket sales, i knew i had to get my ass in gear and get tickets sooner than later.  my heart goes out to those who didn't.  :(

the burning blog has an interesting post this week about ticket sales and an attitude of abundance vs. scarcity.  as someone who refuses to use the scarcity model in other areas of my life, i likewise feel that it is unnecessary here.  i think that the post in the burning blog is a great starter for a larger discussion that needs to take place.  as our community grows, what are our responsibilities, as members, to continue with the mindset of abundance?  how do we create burning man EVERYWHERE WE GO instead of relying on that thing in the desert once a year to create it for us?

maybe it's by participating in regional events.  or precomp/decomp parties.  or hosting an orphan burner party the week of the burn.  whatever it is, in the spirit of burning man, there are no spectators allowed!  if you want more of burning man around you, CREATE IT.  take the 10 principles out into the world and make them real...make the people around you curious about it, and when they ask you, encourage them to learn about it!  burning man is as much a social experiment as it is anything else, and this is where it gets juicy, folks!

do we buy into a mindset of scarcity...of us vs. them? or do we open up and invite others in? hint: the answer may or may not be here. :)

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